Fallout 2 vault 15
Fallout 2 vault 15

fallout 2 vault 15

This may be a little odd to veterans who lived a year or so with Fallout before the sequel was released, but that's the way it is for many players today, and in any case the popularity of Fallout 2 today far outstrips that of its predecessor.Īt first I wasn't sure if this new undertaking would add as much to existing walkthroughs (the game having been out a bit longer than the sequel, though probably not significantly so any more), but I soon found that I would in fact be able to add another layer of research and detail to what was already written down. For this reason my perspective on Fallout in this guide will most often be that the sequel sets the standard and whatever is different in the original is the anomaly. Although I did finish the latter game first, it was the sequel that captured my heart and prompted all this guide-writing. It began with the making of a very thorough Fallout 2 guide, and though I hadn't intended it from the start, I realized towards the end that I would be doing the same thing with Fallout. Introduction "I must digest this information." One aspect in which FO1 is not smaller than FO2 is in it's overall level of kickass-ness. Still, the gameplay and story are just as strong, and except for a few control (interface) issues that were improved for FO2, you are going to love FO1 just as much. Having cut your teeth on FO2, you may sometimes feel a little restricted in FO1. Less equipment choices, less quests, a smaller world map, less perks, less NPC control (but also less bugs). Of course, it should come as no surprise that the first game in the series would be smaller than the sequel. The main thing you will find in FO1 is there is less of everything.

Fallout 2 vault 15