Agot century of blood ck2
Agot century of blood ck2

agot century of blood ck2

The Andal invasion caused the fall of many of the kingdoms of the First Men which had developed in the wake of the Pact with the children of the forest.

  • The Andals are one of the three major ethnic groups from which the humans of Westeros descend, the others being the First Men and the Rhoynar.
  • Submods have been released with new scenario start dates, throughout the history of a world of ice and fire
  • Join me as we try to replicate the andal invasio.
  • Coming of the Andals - A Wiki of Ice and Fir A brief history the Andal Invasion, from their departure of Essos to the fall of southern Westeros and defense of the North. This took place between 6 thousand and 4 thousands year before Aegon's Landing. The Andals come from the Hills of Andalos, located on the continent of Easteros The Andal Invasion was a migration of the Andals from Essos to Westeros. These stronger defenses, combined with the Andals' sailing ability, weakened the grip of the ironborn on the Sunset Sea The Andal Invasion 6,000 years ago, after the Children of the Forest and the First Men had been living in peace together for thousands of years, the Andals arrived at Westeros. As the Andals invaded and settled in the riverlands, westerlands, and the Reach, they began constructing new settlements and stout castles.

    Agot century of blood ck2